Publications, Presentations, Posters, and Press


SETI Ellipsoid Nilipour, A., Davenport J., Croft, S., & Siemion, A. “Signal Synchronization Strategies and Time Domain SETI with Gaia DR3.” AJ 166, 79 (2023)


Feeding the CMZ NRAO Summer Symposium - Feeding the Central Molecular Zone

NAOJ VLBI Seminar - Feeding the CMZ: Gas Accretion Flows in the Galactic Bar

SETI Ellipsoid PSETI Seminar - Signal Synchronization Strategies and Time Domain SETI

AAS 241 and Berkeley SETI Research Center Summer Symposium - Signal Synchronization Strategies and Time Domain SETI with Gaia DR3


EHT OT Regularizer Black Hole Explorer (BHEX) Japan Workshop - Optimal Transport Regularized Black Hole Movie Reconstruction

Linear Point AAS 242 - Linear Point Standard Ruler Estimation with Neural Networks

CubeSat NASA CT Space Expo - Bouchet Low-Earth Alpha/Beta Space Telescope (BLAST)

Lyman-a AAS 240 - One-dimensional Lyman-$\alpha$ forest power spectrum estimate from eBOSS

Press Coverage

SETI Ellipsoid YaleNews: Searching for extraterrestrial life — by keeping an eye on exploding stars
Image Credit: Danielle Futselaar / Breakthrough Listen

MeerKAT The Economist: Ideas for finding ET are getting more inventive
Image Credit: Enrico Sacchetti