
My primary research projects at Yale since 2020 have been in cosmology, advised by Nikhil Padmanabhan.

Linear Point Scale Estimation with Neural Networks

I am currently working with Farnik Nikakhtar and Nikhil Padmanabhan on estimating the linear point, the halfway point between the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) dip and peak features in the two-point correlation function, using neural networks. More information can be found in my iPoster presented at AAS 242 in Albuquerque.

Lyman-$\alpha$ Forest 1D Power Spectrum Estimation

I previously worked with Naim Goksel-Karacayli and Nikhil Padmanabhan on estimating the 1D Ly-$\alpha$ forest power spectrum using the quadratic maximum likelihood estimator with data from the BOSS and eBOSS missions of SDSS. More information can be found in my iPoster presented at AAS 240 in Pasadena.