I am a rising senior undergraduate at Yale University majoring in Astrophysics and Mathematics, with a certificate in Japanese. I am broadly interested in cosmology and radio astronomy, and I am doing research on developing regularized maximum likelihood algorithms for Event Horizon Telescope data, using neural networks to estimate the linear point of the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations feature, and measuring properties and kinematics of molecular clouds in the Milky Way bar region. I was a 2022 NSF Breakthrough Listen intern at the UC Berkeley SETI Research Center and a 2023 NSF National Radio Astronomy Observatory intern in Socorro, NM. I took a leave of absence from Yale for the 2023-24 school year and studied abroad at International Christian University in Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan, and was an intern in the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan Mizusawa VLBI group. I am a member of the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration and am currently at the MIT Haystack Observatory for the summer of 2024.

Outside of academics, I enjoy watching movies and reading.